6 Where to go next

Mental Health and Me is just the beginning of your mental health journey.

If you’d like to get some help, this list of organisations and services is a great place to start.

Some tips for using mental health services

  1. Do some research so you can choose the service that suits you best. Check what they specialise in and whether this matches what you need right now.
  2. Think about what will give you the most benefit. Is it a phone call, sms/chat, email support or a chat face-to-face?
  3. When you contact the service, you only have to share what you feel comfortable sharing. You can write it down if that makes it easier.
  4. You may be left disappointed because the professional you have chosen to see (Eg. a psychologist or counsellor) and yourself aren’t a good match. Just because they are a professional doesn’t mean they are the right one to support you. Perhaps you don’t get along or you feel like they don’t relate well to you as an individual.
  5. You may find that your favourite support person for most things doesn’t have the experience or knowledge with mental health needed to give the right advice.
  6. It is important to remember that finding the right person in a time of need sometimes take a while. This can be frustrating. When you find a good match for you though it can make a really big difference.
it shows inner strength and courage to ask for help
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