2 What can I do about it?

How do kindness, gratitude and mindfulness impact my health?

Let’s discover how kindness, gratitude and mindfulness impact your mental health by answering true or false to the following statements.

2 What can I do about it?

Studies show that doing Random Acts of Kindness can improve our own mental health and wellbeing.


Being kind to others is scientifically proven to have a positive impact on our wellbeing.

A Random Act of Kindness can be as simple as smiling, giving someone a compliment, asking how someone is or really listening when someone speaks to you.

When you practice Random Acts of Kindness: •

  • You feel less stressed
  • The recipients of your kind act feel happy
  • You encourage others to spread more kindness
  • It releases feel good chemicals (oxytocin and serotonin)
  • It can reduce pain
  • It can improve your physical health (like reducing your blood pressure)
  • You improve your mental health


Writing a list of some Random Acts of Kindness you have done in the past or some you could do this week?

2 What can I do about it?

Practising gratitude doesn’t affect our mental health and wellbeing.


Being grateful, or practising gratitude for what we have, has an impact on our wellbeing.

Research shows that gratitude can increase resilience, strengthen social relationships, and reduce stress and depression. The more grateful you are, the greater your overall wellbeing and satisfaction with life. You’ll also build a stronger immune system, lower your blood pressure and even sleep better.


Beginning a gratitude journal can help train your brain to focus on the positive things in your life. Write down three things you love in your life every evening before you go to sleep (no matter how small they may seem). They may be as simple as : 1. Food 2. Sunshine 3. My pillow

2 What can I do about it?

Mindfulness and meditation can change our brain.


Practising mindfulness and meditation is a good thing.

Learning to meditate and be mindful can help our brains become better at focusing on the present moment for longer periods. Studies show that when your mind wanders, around 80% of your thoughts are negative. This means that learning to focus your mind in the present more often can reduce stress and anxiety.


2 What can I do about it?

I can improve my wellbeing?


You have the power to take steps right now to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Everyone does.

Continue on to find out more things you can do to manage your stress and improve your mental health and wellbeing.

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