Adult & Workplace

Mental Health 101 for Adults

Increase your knowledge with powerful lived experience stories that break down stigma and promote help seeking.

The details

An introduction to mental health that builds an understanding of the myths and facts. This workshop includes real life stories and provides practical examples of help-seeking behaviours.

Delivered by trained Volunteer Educators and guided by the MIEACT DoNOHarm safe story-telling framework this session includes two lived experience stories followed by an opportunity for participants to ask questions at the end.

By the end of this session participants will:

  • Increase understanding of living with a Mental Illness.
  • Understand recovery in a mental health content.
  • Can identify negative consequences of stigma.
  • Can identify where to go for help (advice).
  • Improved mental health literacy of the target group.
  • Contribute to the collective impact in reducing stigma in relation to mental illness.

Addressing stigma and promoting help-seeking

We deliver 80 sessions to workplaces and community groups each year. Of those who participated 65% found the session to “Extremely” (15%) or “Significantly” (50%) increase their understanding of mental illness. 100% of Hosts and Participants would recommend the program to a friend or colleague.

Hosts of the session rate our Volunteer Educators “Extremely Competent” facilitators at 100%.