Become a member

Mental Illness Education ACT Inc. (MIEACT) ABN 54 121 600 383 is an incorporated association – which means we are made up of members of the community committed to achieving our goal of providing mental health education.

As a financial member you are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting, vote on key governance decisions such as the election of Board Members and any other governance matters.

Becoming a member:

  1. Send us an email to letting us know why you would like to become a member. Please include your name, contact details and a little bit about you.
  2. Your application is submitted to the Board for approval.
  3. On acceptance, you will be sent an invoice to pay for your membership fee. You must pay this fee prior to attending any formal meeting to activate your voting rights.
  4. You will then be automatically invoiced annually to maintain your membership.

Membership Fees: By resolution of the Board in August 2020 the membership fee is currently set at $5 joining and $15 annual membership.

In case that your membership application is unsuccessful, you will receive a notification with an explanation.